Sunday, September 21, 2008

So Where Do I Start?

A question that I often get asked by people is, "Where do I begin? What comes first?" I'm sure the experts would have a direct answer to this question, but mine is more simple. Really, I would just pick ONE thing, ANYTHING and make a change. Truthfully, it's too hard to change it all at once. There is too much to change, too much money to spend doing it, and too hard to maintain if you try to do it all at once. So I think the easiest thing to do is make one change, and once you start doing that well, pick something else to change.

That being said, making small changes aren't going to miraculously change your health overnight or suddenly make you lose a lot of weight. But gradually, as you make more and more changes, you will notice a difference in how you feel and you will read ingredients more and think twice before eating something. And yes, sometimes you will choose to eat it anyway. I'm guilty of that. But other times, you will say, "No, it's not worth putting that poison into my body." There's a lot of freedom in being able to make those kinds of choices.

I think when we started this back some years ago, we switched a bunch of things at once, at least some of the time. I know we switched to organic processed foods, meat, and produce. But things like changing condiments, personal care items, dairy, and other stuff didn't come until much later. There is so much to learn and I'm still learning and making changes that I'll share as those topics come up. So don't feel like you have to keep up with all the things I'm going to write about. Maybe one of them will spark your interest and you'll want to try that one out first.

Reminder: Go S--L--O--W--L--Y!! But you can do it! You can make changes! I know you can! And write and tell me all about them...I'll be excited for you!

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