I really am not sure where to even start! I have so much I want to write about and I probably should get it organized before I start but then again, it might take me too long to write so I'll just start writing something!
My husband and I started eating and exploring eating more organically about 6 or 7 years ago. It's hard to exactly define what eating "organically" looks like so I'll gradually make new posts that explain the specifics of what good eating looks like. Basically, I take the philosophy of Jordan Rubin. I've read three of his books (he's written a lot), I've done The Maker's Diet and recently, after reading Perfect Weight America, got motivated to start eating the right way again. Alot of what I have learned has been from him, but I do read things from others and this blog will contain a hodgepodge of sources. So things that I write here I won't always credit to one person because I read different things from different people but I'll try to link to sources when I can. There are lots of different people that tell you different things about what healthy eating looks like and you have to navigate through them and find the common threads. I hope future postings will help you see some of those similarities. There are many people who know a lot more than me and could explain things more clearly and in better ways. You could even Google what you want to learn and get lots of information. But as I said before, I feel led by God to encourage others in changing their eating habits.
So, no, I don't consider myself an expert but I do know that eating this way makes me feel a ton better, have more energy, and maintain my weight better than anything else I've ever done in my life. There are certain topics I know a lot about and others I'm still learning about. This idea of eating does go alot against what mainstream doctors and nutritionists will say but it makes so much sense!
The kind of food I'm talking about eating is, well, REAL food. Basically it is food that is created by God for food and in a form intended for the body. It's eating organic or local fruits and vegetables, raw milk products, whole grains, nuts and seeds, grass fed and free range meat, and wild caught fish. Food that tastes amazing and is freshly prepared in it's full fat version as close to the original as possible. Avoiding processed food of all kinds (even organic) is the best.
Now that I've said that, I certainly do not eat this way ALL the time...I'm not perfect. But I do strive to a certain standard. I still love lots of food that I know I shouldn't eat and that will always be a struggle. But most of the time, we eat this way. And it does taste great and you feel amazing. And yes you can still make sweets and just alter the kinds of ingredients you use. It's best to make small changes...if you do too much at once it's just too hard to maintain. So hopefully you will keep reading and find some small changes you can make!
OK, so I knew I would start rambling for my first few entries. I'll try to get more organized as I go along!
1 comment:
YEAH!!!!! I'm so glad you are blogging now. And I love what you've chosen to blog about. I can't wait to learn more. I read a couple of "frugal" blogs, where many of the people eat more organically, but I don't read one that focuses on it. I'm excited.
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