Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Snowy Treat

So what else do you do with 3 feet of snow on the ground?

A little bit of this...
A little bit of that...

And a whole lot of...

And when you're all done with that (OK the kids are never done with playing in the snow but their mama is),
you can make some snow ice cream!!

What?  Really?

Oh, yes, I was a bit skeptical.  But it was oh so yummy!

And of course, it was not my recipe or my idea.  Check out Laura from Heavenly Homemakers for all the details (Thanks, Jennifer, for the reminder).  And yes, it really works!  And it is REALLY tasty!


a Tonggu Momma said...

It IS yummy! And we made the Tongginator shovel, too... although it's amazing that she LOVED what felt like work to us. (Do y'all remember our driveway? Ugh.)

Alison said...

Amazing! That's a whole lot of snow!