Monday, January 5, 2009

A Fresh Start

Well, after taking 5 weeks off from blogging, I think I'm back. At least I'm trying to get back to this. All 5 of you who used to read this blog are now totally uninterested in healthy living so I'm writing to myself, I'm sure. But, I'll take the chance.

Seriously, where does time go? I took a break from writing because my son got sick and had another seizure and then I got sick and my daughter got sick and then suddenly it was Christmas and even though I had over a week off from my job I still couldn't get back to blogging because I just really needed to break from things that were on my mind a lot. I tend to use run-ons when making long excuses. I do that when I leave long boring messages on my friends' answering machines too.

Anyway, a happy New Year to all! Don't you love the New Year! While I'm not much for resolutions, I love the feeling of a fresh start. If you're like me, you let yourself slip a little during holidays...eating more, drinking more, relaxing more, and suddenly January comes and you need to "get back to it" so to speak. While I try to eat healthy as much as possible, I do enjoy some extra Christmas cookies and candy when possible!

You know, while we tend to look at January as a time to get a fresh start, God gives us the opportunity of a fresh start every day! I love knowing that no matter how many times I mess up, He has grace abundant for me. Thank goodness! He knows I need it for sure!

So while I have no resolutions to share with you (OK, except maybe TRYING to blog more often), let me just say that I hope you find something fresh and new in each day. Sometimes we can get so bogged down by the "stuff" in life that we forget to see what goodness God is trying to show us in each day. He wants to shower us with His love and blessings.

Have you found any today?

1 comment:

a Tonggu Momma said...

Hey now! I may not want to eat healthfully, but I am all about hypocrisy. I need to learn this stuff for the Tongginator's sake. And while I am currently drinking coffee loaded up with Splenda and cream (ha!), the Tongginator is drinking her unsweetened green tea.

Glad to hear your littlest one is feeling better... the husband and I were so, so worried. We miss you guys.

Happy New Year, ON (that would be your blogger initials, not some new, hip phrase).