Sunday, November 30, 2008


As mentioned in the prior post, our family has been sick over the past week. In fact, since both kids are sleeping, I really should be cleaning my entire house that has been neglected

Or catching up on the mountain of laundry in the basement.

Or taking the pounds of tissues we used out to the trash.

Or maybe napping?

Or the grand list of other to-do's.

But there's always tomorrow, right?

And it's raining and dreary here so who feels like cleaning then? More like a cup of tea and a good book? Or should I say a cup of tea and online shopping for Christmas?

Anyway, my severe cold hit me earlier in the week, and yet I had to do some grocery shopping so I loaded my pockets with tissues and chapstick and managed my way through the store.

You know, I'm not normally a germaphobe (liberty with spelling, friends), but there's nothing like blowing your nose every 30 seconds to really make you think about it. Everything I touched at the store, I almost felt guilty about. I couldn't wash my hands every time I had to use a tissue so I'm sure I was spreading my cold to the world. I really thought about it in the produce section of the store. And then, I thought about how little I think about it. How when I'm healthy, I don't really pay attention and stop to think how many people touch things in public places. And where the food has been exactly before it shows up at the store. And how it really IS important to wash produce (I mean I do, but I've been guilty of neglecting that from time to time). Even pre-packed food has been handled by many different people. When you really think about it, YUCK!

And yet, we can't wear gloves our whole lives or little martian helmets or live in a bubble, we have to deal with the germs. They are everywhere, even where we don't realize. And if we're too clean and crazy about avoiding them, we neglect to let healthy bacteria in our bodies and allow our bodies to build its own natural defenses.

But, thinking about it, is really gross. I've heard recently that shopping carts are actually worse than public restrooms as far as germs like fectal material...eewwww! And your kitchen sink is actually worse than your toilet as festering bacteria! Some things I just don't want to know, and yet, I want to be aware of them.

So, I've decided to just be more dilegent about washing my hands, which is one of the best things you can do anyway. And you don't need antibacterial soap, just regular soap and water. Just sing your ABC's or a slow version of "Happy Birthday" and scrub in between your fingers too.

What do you do to stay germ free?


Alison said...

i'm going to wash my hands now!!

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Lots and lots of hand sanitizer. It's much easier to squirt a dollop on a kid's hands or my own while on the run.

That and plenty of water :)

And I totally agree about not needing antibacterial soap. The plain stuff is cheaper, too. :)