Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back to Basics

Do you have any idea how many blogs there are out there? Millions, probably.

And how many of them are about healthy and natural living? Thousands I'm sure.

If given time, I could get completely lost and absorbed in bloggyland. You know, how you read a comment on someone's blog, click on their link, and suddenly you are reading thoughts from a person you know absolutely nothing about. But there they are.

This is how I came to discover that there are tons of people out there writing about the same kinds of things I do. Only most of them seem to do it more often, know a ton more than I do, and in my opinion, write much better.

I had the thought this week to just refer you to my three favorite blogs on healthy eating and just turn in my resignation.

But then I remembered why I started blogging in the first place.

I've had a lot of negative experiences sharing my beliefs about food and eating well. Some people don't really understand, or they think you're in some way trying to be better than them. But I really do believe in the things I write about, or the things in my head that I want to write about and never seem to get around to it. And I wanted to share these things with others and help take baby steps to making changes in your lives that hopefully, affect your health in a positive way.

I know that most people who actually read this blog are friends of mine and that's where I wanted to start. There might be a few who were referred by my friends. And that's exactly what I hoped would happen. Just sharing my thoughts with people I love and then maybe getting a few more people on board and everyone sharing with each other what they are changing in their lives for the better with how they eat and live. So whenever someone emails me to tell me something they've changed, I celebrate.

I plan to refer you to my favorite blogging gals in some entries in the future and I encourage you to check out their sites because I really think they are all amazing at what they write about and how they write to encourage other people. All three of them are stay-at-home moms, love the Lord and their families, and encourage others in their journeys to organic and natural living.

As long as you still come back and visit me once in a while.

Once of the bloggers I follow is Lindsay from Passionate Homemaking. Lindsay recently had a post titled Can Natural Living Become an Idol? You can read the post yourself if you want. Basically she talks about how putting healthy eating or living above God and others can create a problem, and it can become your idol.

I thought her feelings on the matter were right on and it obviously hit a nerve with a lot of people because there were over 200 comments about this post. I didn't read all of them but after skimming, I got the feeling that a lot of people are doing their best to make small changes in the way they eat or live. They might not be able to eat all organic foods or do everything "perfectly" but they are doing the best they can.

I've been in the place, I'd say a few years ago, where, while I wasn't making eating organic food an idol, it was becoming a pride issue. While I wouldn't say I felt better than anyone else for the changes I was making, it did give me a sense of pride to stock my refrigerator with good food. Maybe I felt like this because I was just excited about what I was learning and maybe not. I did at times, wonder why other people weren't really all about it, why they didn't think making changes in their life was necessary. Where I would look at someone's grocery cart piled with plastic shopping bags and wonder why they didn't just buy some canvas ones. Or wonder if they ever cooked at all based on the contents of their cart. Or when I told all my friends about how great cloth diapers were, why no one really wanted to try them.

And so I sort of stopped sharing with people because I felt like no one really cared or no one was really listening. I was so excited to tell people but I felt like they didn't get what I was trying to do. I basically was making it more about me, and not about them and certainly not about my Creator, who was teaching me how to look at life and food differently. So maybe it was an idol, even if I didn't see it that way back then.

I think when I finally realized this, I changed my attitude.

It has still been a struggle at times to share my feelings on the pursuit of healthy living. Maybe continued fear of rejection? And that hope that people don't think I'm trying to be better than them? I do really want to just share things I'm learning and hope you'll learn along with me. And my hope is that you'll share with someone else something you've done and then they'll share with someone else what they've done and on and on. Sort of like, paying health forward.

And just a reminder, I'm on the journey right along with you. I'm still working to make changes in what I eat and how I live for the better. I have in no means "arrived" or do I do things perfectly. I'd say this past year, reflected in how often I've written, I've really struggled with eating well starting with how sick I was during pregnancy and how I had a hard time desiring to cook and eat well. While I do my best to feed my family a lot of organic and local food, we're not perfect. There are some changes I've made and will not go back on (in a future post I'll share that) and there are more things I hope to do better.

Which leads me back to the reason for this post. Whew...about time, right?

Remembering that the pursuit for healthy living starts with small changes, and I know many of you have made small changes, I started making a list of things I'd like to do better with and I'll be posting those things in the near future. I hope it encourages you to know we are all in the journey together. And the things I do are not things you have to do, but I'd love to hear about what you are doing.

So, all that being said, here is a sneak peek at a few things on my list. I'll be writing about these and some other areas in the future.

-Getting a better handle on the food budget
-making monthly meal plans
-less leftover waste
-making homemade snacks
-paying attention to how long things last (laundry detergent, etc..)
-finding more simple and healthy recipes

Knowing me, it will take me awhile!

And what about you? Any goals you have?


Wisconsin Parent said...

Cool! I randomly found your blog through a Google search for organic pregnancy. :-) I liked your post and am curious to see where you go from here. Keep it up!

Margaret Krumm said...

My current goal is convincing myself that making yogurt really is worth it, despite the fact that the ingredients, time, and energy probably add up to at least what I would pay for already-made yogurt.