Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Mmmm...I love a good hummus, don't you?

Truthfully, I've never really tasted a good hummus until recently and now I'm hooked! Most hummus brands I've tried in stores don't really have much taste. A friend recently shared this recipe and my husband and I ate the entire batch in two days. That's a lot of garlic, my friends, let me tell you. It was seeping from our pores. This recipe is full of flavor!

Nothing to not love about this recipe and oh so good for you!

Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. As soon as the parsley grows in our recently planted herbs in our backyard, we'll be making some more!


2 15-oz. cans garbanzo beans, drained
1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste-you can find with peanut butter)
1/4 cup lemon juice (she says lime works too but I didn't try that version)
4-5 cloves garlic (less if you're not fond of garlic)
1/4 cup packed parsley
1/4 cup chopped green onions
1/2-1 cup water (start with 1/2 and add more if too thick)
salt and pepper to taste, or other seasonings like Spike (natural all purpose seasoning)

Blend with the appliance of your choosing.

Serve with raw veggies, crackers or tortilla chips. Garlic crackers add an extra pizazz!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I know I've been absent for some time. A few people have noticed and mentioned something to me. Actually, the only people who have mentioned anything are probably the only people who actually pay attention to this blog. Anyway, I thought I owed an explanation as to my whereabouts along with a small confession.

The main reason I haven't been blogging is that, well, I haven't been eating very healthy for the last, oh, 7 or so weeks. So it's been hard to motivate myself to actually write and tell other people what they should or should not be eating when I am not doing so well with that.

The main reason is that I've been pretty nauseous for the last, oh, 7 or so weeks, since I found out I was pregnant again. Plus, the added extra fatigue that comes with being pregnant has added to the fatigue already in existence from working full-time outside the home and taking care of two little ones. Honestly, the last 2 months have sort of just been survival, getting up and doing what has to be done and ignoring pretty much everything else.

I had nausea with my other 2 pregnancies but this time seemed to be much worse. Evenings were REALLY, really tough and sometimes I just went to bed because it was the only thing that helped. And when I felt sick, I just sort of ate whatever sounded good, whether it helped the nausea or not. And if it did help, it lasted about 5 minutes. Things that helped for a few minutes: usually potato chips and lemonade. I've had lots of those. And, here's the big confession, fast food a few times. I NEVER (seriously) eat fast food and I've had it probably 4 times since getting pregnant. And felt pretty miserable after, but you know, it sounded good at the time. Plus, I got a stomach bug a few weeks ago and spent a week where my body was pretty mixed up and I didn't eat much of anything other than soda and crackers. Yeah, tasty. Tasty and healthy.

I think the nausea has finally subsided so I'm hoping to start craving some good ole' tomatoes and lettuce soon. And if you're one of those people who never gets sick during pregnancy, please keep those comments to yourself.

So, now that I'm feeling somewhat better, I'm hoping to be a little more motivated to talk about (and eat) healthy food. With spring and summer veggies around the corner, I hope to post some good info on reasons to eat them! So stay tuned and don't give up making good, healthy lifestyle choices. They are worth it in the long run!