Monday, July 27, 2009
A Few Basil Ideas
I love summer produce for so many reasons and fresh herbs are on that list! I love the smell of fresh basil when it's just sitting on the counter. While I haven't been too successful at growing my own this year (I truly have a blue thumb, I think), we've gotten a bunch in our CSA pick-up. While I look for new ways to use it, here are 2 of my favorite recipes that I come back to all the time! Both are simple and easy to make. And with all recipes I'll ever post, they are not my original ideas. Both of these came from the cookbook I've mentioned before, Simply in Season.
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves and stems
1-3 cloves garlic (go for 3)
1/3 cup pine nuts, walnuts, or hazelnuts (toasted), although I usually skip the toasting step
3-6 TBSP. Parmesan cheese (go for fresh always!)
1/2 tsp. salt or to taste
2 sprigs fresh parsley (optional, but good)
Finely chop in a food processor. While the processor is running, add 1/3-1/2 olive oil until you make a thick paste. Serve over hot pasta, and remember you only need a little! Pesto is great because you don't need to measure exactly.
You can then use this recipe (or just a jar if you're not up to making your own, to make the following).
Creamy Pesto Pasta
3 TBSP. butter
1/4 cup flour
3 cups milk
Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add flour and cook 3 minutes. Add milk and bring to a boil. Cook gently 5 minutes. (And seriously, pay attention when cooking milk and don't let your kids distract you like I did tonight and ended up with lots of burnt milk on my stovetop when it boiled over!)
1 cup Pesto (the recipe I listed is about 1 cup)
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Stir into milk mixture and remove from heat. Add 1 pound cooked pasta of choice. Serve with extra parmesan cheese grated on top. YUMMY!
And here's one more simple and great tasting basil dish (with pasta of course!)
Fresh Tomato and Garlic Pasta
4 large garlic cloves, minced
2 pounds tomatoes, chopped and seeded and drained (another great summer special!)
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp. salt
Combine and let stand at room temperature for 1-2 hours.
Cook 1 pound of your choice of pasta. Add sauce and serve immediately. Top with grated Parmesan cheese. I've also used fresh mozzarella. It's great either way!
Anyone else enjoy basil a different way?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sunscreen Tips
A friend asked me about sunscreen and wondering about slathering it all over her kids if it is full of chemicals. A great question! And quite appropriate for our current summer weather! So here's my take on sunscreen.
Anything you put on your body, or on your children's body, is full of tons of different ingredients and, depending on the product you choose, tons of chemicals. This applies to sunscreen, lotion, bath soap, shampoo, perfume, toothpaste, deodorant, bath bubbles, etc...Knowing what is in the products you choose can help you make decisions that you feel are best. Obviously, anytime you choose a product without chemicals, the cost is going to go way up so you have to decide whether the cost is worth it to you. And just because it says natural or organic doesn't' mean it's the best choice. I've seen a few organic products that are still high in chemicals and use both organic products AND chemically laden products.
I think I posted the link that I love to use to determine what chemicals are in the products I'm choosing. Here it is again. You can look up just about any skin care product, find the ingredients, chemicals, and what diseases the chemicals have been linked to. You will also get a rating for how toxic the product is, from 0-10, 0 being the safest. I use this website frequently and we have gradually switched all of our personal care products to more safe products. I personally try to not buy anything rated higher than a 3. While a bit pricey, I'm fond of Aubrey Organics (for shampoo, lotion, sunscreen, makeup, etc...) Desert Essence for toothpaste, Crystal Stone for deodorant, and California Baby for sunscreen and a few other things. It's really interesting looking up the products you use and seeing the rating for them.
So, about the original question of sunscreen. All of us as humans, need sunlight. Most of us stay indoors cooped up way too much, especially our kids that need to be running around getting exercise in the sun (even when we are too hot and lazy to go outside...or is that just me?) I've read some interesting articles about sunlight being the only real source of Vitamin D (not the stuff added to your milk). Vitamin D can help protect against certain kinds of cancer, especially of the digestive system. When you absorb sunlight into your skin, it attracts immune cells to your skin's surface which can help control skin disease. Kids growing bodies need lots of Vitamin D and higher levels of vitamin D in kids could reduce neurological and autoimmune diseases (so I have read). Kids can actually get a good daily dose of Vitamin D with just 20 minutes in the sun (which would not necessarily need sunblock). But obviously, long bouts in the sun, especially between 10am and 2pm are necessary. Use SPF of at least 15. I know most people say use these super-high levels of SPF and I usually use around a 30. However, just for information sake, I've read that when you use above SPF 15, vitamin D can't be synthesized. Again, that's a personal choice.
Because whatever you rub into your child's (or your own) skin will soak in and spread to the bloodstream, I think the less chemicals the better. Here are a few ratings from the above listed website to give you an idea. You can follow the link to go directly to the page.
Banana Boat -there were a ton listed for this brand and most were ranked between 7 and 10 which is the highest rating for chemicals. This would not be the best choice.
Aveeno-ranked between 4 and 7 which is average. Not great, but better than some.
Coppertone-most were high hazard
If you want more information on sunscreen, read this article from the Environmental Working Group concerning their studies done on nearly 1000 sunscreens. "In a new investigation of 898 name-brand sunscreens, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that 4 out of 5 sunscreen products offer inadequate protection from the sun, or contain ingredients with significant safety concerns. Leading brands were the worst offenders: None of market leader Coppertone's 33 sunscreen products met EWG's criteria for safety and effectiveness, and only 1 of 85 products from Banana Boat and Neutrogena, the second- and third-largest manufacturers, are recommended by EWG." This article will also give you their top recommended brands and chemical ratings. Have fun exploring!
Oh, and truthfully, chemicals are everywhere. Part of the food we might choose to eat, the water we drink, the products we clean with, the mattresses we sleep on, the air we can be overwhelming to think about. I don't think it's possible to eliminate everything, but whatever small things we can do, can help take the stress off our our bodies just a little bit. So anything small you do is better than nothing! If you find some new favorites, let me know.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Truthfully, I've never really tasted a good hummus until recently and now I'm hooked! Most hummus brands I've tried in stores don't really have much taste. A friend recently shared this recipe and my husband and I ate the entire batch in two days. That's a lot of garlic, my friends, let me tell you. It was seeping from our pores. This recipe is full of flavor!
Nothing to not love about this recipe and oh so good for you!
Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. As soon as the parsley grows in our recently planted herbs in our backyard, we'll be making some more!
2 15-oz. cans garbanzo beans, drained
1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed paste-you can find with peanut butter)
1/4 cup lemon juice (she says lime works too but I didn't try that version)
4-5 cloves garlic (less if you're not fond of garlic)
1/4 cup packed parsley
1/4 cup chopped green onions
1/2-1 cup water (start with 1/2 and add more if too thick)
salt and pepper to taste, or other seasonings like Spike (natural all purpose seasoning)
Blend with the appliance of your choosing.
Serve with raw veggies, crackers or tortilla chips. Garlic crackers add an extra pizazz!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The main reason I haven't been blogging is that, well, I haven't been eating very healthy for the last, oh, 7 or so weeks. So it's been hard to motivate myself to actually write and tell other people what they should or should not be eating when I am not doing so well with that.
The main reason is that I've been pretty nauseous for the last, oh, 7 or so weeks, since I found out I was pregnant again. Plus, the added extra fatigue that comes with being pregnant has added to the fatigue already in existence from working full-time outside the home and taking care of two little ones. Honestly, the last 2 months have sort of just been survival, getting up and doing what has to be done and ignoring pretty much everything else.
I had nausea with my other 2 pregnancies but this time seemed to be much worse. Evenings were REALLY, really tough and sometimes I just went to bed because it was the only thing that helped. And when I felt sick, I just sort of ate whatever sounded good, whether it helped the nausea or not. And if it did help, it lasted about 5 minutes. Things that helped for a few minutes: usually potato chips and lemonade. I've had lots of those. And, here's the big confession, fast food a few times. I NEVER (seriously) eat fast food and I've had it probably 4 times since getting pregnant. And felt pretty miserable after, but you know, it sounded good at the time. Plus, I got a stomach bug a few weeks ago and spent a week where my body was pretty mixed up and I didn't eat much of anything other than soda and crackers. Yeah, tasty. Tasty and healthy.
I think the nausea has finally subsided so I'm hoping to start craving some good ole' tomatoes and lettuce soon. And if you're one of those people who never gets sick during pregnancy, please keep those comments to yourself.
So, now that I'm feeling somewhat better, I'm hoping to be a little more motivated to talk about (and eat) healthy food. With spring and summer veggies around the corner, I hope to post some good info on reasons to eat them! So stay tuned and don't give up making good, healthy lifestyle choices. They are worth it in the long run!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Global Food Crisis
I think it saddens me so deeply to think about it, that sometimes I prefer not to think about it.
This taken directly from Compassion International's website (why put it into my own words?)
"The global food crisis threatens the lives of millions and has been called a "silent tsunami," unleashing turmoil against the most vulnerable children. The Secretary-General of the UN calls it a "moral outrage" and estimates that as much as $40 billion a year is required for the next three to five years.
Compassion International exists as an advocate for children in poverty and works in some of the areas hardest hit by this crisis. We are providing solutions through local churches with nutritional provision and long-term strategies, such as agricultural education, training and tools, so that those consumed by this crisis have the opportunity to grow and prepare their own food."
To read some startling statistics about children in povery around the world, go to
Sometimes it seems that the problem is so huge, nothing will help!
But, every little bit of giving helps! And you can do something to help! As Christians, we are commanded to help those in need.
Compassion International, an organization I highly believe in, is sponsoring a Global Food Crisis day. Yes, it is today, and yes, I'm way behind as usual. But you can give anytime, not just in the next few hours. Compassion supports releasing children from poverty in the name of Christ and you can support children with a monthly donation to provide food, shelter, schooling, medicine, and many other things as well as a Christian education.
But even if you don't support a child, you can help with the food crisis. For just 13 dollars, you can feed a child for a month! I know I can't feed my children for that little a month. Knowing that the money donated goes directly to feeding hungry children is so encouraging to me!
I know that sometimes problems seem so insurmountable and that even a little doesn't really do much. But in giving a little, God can do so much more! He can use any gift, in any amount.
Please consider! Give from your heart!
To donate or find out more, click here.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Making Yogurt
One of those things is yogurt. I really love yogurt, the full-fat kind, not the low fat stuff that I think tastes like nothing. My favorite store-bought brand is Brown Cow because it comes with the cream on the top that you mix in. I normally buy flavored kinds but my kids actually love plain yogurt. That grosses me out somewhat, but it's better since it's not sweetened. They like vanilla too but will go for just plain.
So, since we eat a lot of yogurt, I was calculating how much I spend on yogurt a week. It's anywhere from 10-15 dollars, depending how much we buy. That probably sounds like a lot to you, but organic yogurt is more expensive, we eat a lot of it, and we often use it for smoothies in the morning.
So then I calculated how much it would cost to make my own. If I make it from the raw milk we buy, and I use a half gallon of milk, it would cost me less than 4 dollars. That's a big difference!! So I decided to give it a try!
I have to admit, I was a little nervous but I've heard from a lot of people that it is so easy. I sat down and read a few different ways that you can make it and combined them and picked the way that sounded easiest for me. Here's what to do!
1. Heat 4 cups of milk (or 8) if you want more in a large pot on the stove to 180 degrees. This is just before the boiling point when little bubbles form around the edges. If you have a thermometer, it's best to stick it in the milk to check the temperature.
2. Remove from heat and cool milk down to 110 degrees. Mix 1/4-1/3 store-bought plain yogurt with a cup of warm milk OR mix one pack yogurt starter with a little warm milk (for 8 cups, double the starter or yogurt). Add the mixed yogurt to the entire batch and stir together.
3. Pour into a GLASS container and loosely put the lid on. I used an old jar that used to be filled with coconut oil.
4. Fill a cooler part-way with warm water, but not over the top of the jar.
5. Close the lid of the cooler and let it sit for 4-7 hours. Check on it occasionally to see if the yogurt has formed and to make sure the water is warm.
THAT'S IT!! Amazingly simple. The prep part took 10-15 minutes. For me, it was about 7 hours until the yogurt formed. The result is slightly more runny than store bought yogurt and even though it's plain, it's just a touch sweeter than store bought plain. And maybe that was just the milk I used. Sweeten with honey or maple syrup, fruit, or granola. Delicious! And really, it was very easy!
Anybody up for it?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Does Your Spouse Rock?
He really does.
Yes, I wish that he could go to the grocery store and get everything on the list exactly right. And yes, sometimes the clothing on the bedroom floor becomes a small mountain.
But those are such small things. My husband loves the Lord, and our family and does all kinds of amazing things for us. He's such a blessing to us and I'm thankful for him in my life.
If you feel the same about your spouse, let him/her know it. AND, tell the rest of the world!
Check out for all kinds of stylish tees that promote marriage. In this world, anything that promotes marriage in a good light is a fantastic thing. We both have one and get some interesting comments and looks when we wear them (not at the same time, of course. That would be way too cheesy).
So celebrate your spouse in style! Maybe even in time to show them how much you love them this weekend!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
For the Love of Chocolate
I certainly do and don't usually deny myself when I'm really wanting some. Sometimes it seems like there's nothing like chocolate when you want something sweet or are trying to beat the blues.
While we don't really celebrate Valentine's Day in a big way around here, it does make me start thinking about chocolate. Mmmmmm... And I'm a believer in "the right kind of chocolate is A-OK in moderation!"
Chocolate gets a bad rap most of the time. And yes, most chocolate is very processed, full of added sugar and other bad stuff so that most of the chocolate you buy is not very close to the original form. Dark chocolate, my absolute fave, is full of antioxidants, that help fight disease and aging. Chocolate can calm stress (ah...thank goodness) and help with blood flow. If you buy organic chocolate bars, which you could probably find in the organic section of your grocery store, get ready for a treat. Ooohhh, it's so good! And would probably have you saying good-bye to Hershey kisses.
When I buy actual chocolate bars, which is pretty rare, I'm rather fond of fair trade chocolate. Fair trade (on any product) means the farmer receives a fair share of wages which in turn, helps his community and helps to decrease poverty. I won't go on and on (at least in this post) about how poor farmers wages are, particulary in other nations, but buying fair trade can help at least a little. Here's a link if you'd like to learn more about fair trade.
Anyway, I thought I'd share a few chocolate recipes, in case you're thinking of trying something new for someone special. The first is one I just tried tonight! It's not the healthiest recipe, mostly due to the sugar and I didn't try a substitute, but it's a good breakfast treat for a special day!
Double Chocolate Banana Muffins
Mix the following in a large bowl:
1-1/2 cups flour (I use freshly ground whole wheat)
1 cup organic sugar
¼ cup baking cocoa (I use a fair trade organic cocoa)
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking powder
In a small bowl, combine:
1-1/3 cups mashed ripe banana (2-3 medium)
1/3 cup oil (I use coconut)
1 egg
Stir into dry ingredients until just moistened.
Fold in 1 cup (6 oz.) chocolate chips (I use grain-sweetened)
Bake 350 for 20-25 minutes.
Next would be a triple chocolate bonus for breakfast, if you make the muffins too...homemade hot cocoa! I've tried a few different ones but this is my favorite. My picky hot-chocolate drinking husband actually likes this much better than the powdered stuff...shocking!
Hot Cocoa
In a medium saucepan, boil 1/3 cup water, 1/4 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup rapadura (evaporated cane juice, but you could use the regular white stuff if you're not into healthy sugars yet) and a dash of salt on med/high heat. Boil a few minutes, stirring constantly.
Turn on low and add 5 cups milk (raw is best if you can) and then add 1 tsp. vanilla
We love to make homemade whipped cream to add to the top. Mmmm...maybe I'll go make some right now!
And finally, chocolate cake!! Who doesn't love chocolate cake! And this one is pretty healthy with an added secret ingredient! Don't worry, you don't have to tell.
Secret Chocolate Cake
2 cups beets (cooked, peeled and chopped)
1/2 cup applesauce
Puree in blender until smooth. Set aside.
1 1/2 cups organic sugar (OK, not so healthy, but c'mon, it has beets too!)
1/2 cup oil (try coconut oil)
1/2 cup plain yogurt
3 eggs
Combine in a large mixing bowl. Beat with an electric mixer for 2 minutes.
1/2 cup cocoa, sifted
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
Add along with pureed beets. Beat another 90 seconds.
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup whole wheat flour (I've made it with all whole wheat and with wheat and unbleached white to cut down on denseness. Either way is good)
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon (optional, but I think it adds a little something)
Gradually sift into the batter, mixing it in with a spoon but stirring only until blended.
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Stir in. Pour into greased 9 X 13 pan. Bake at 350 for 40-50 minutes.
Pour yourself a tall glass of milk!!
What's your favorite chocolate indulgence?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Good Old Mom and Pop
While I will never claim to be a super thrifty person, I enjoy saving money just like the next gal. I enjoy shopping at yard sales for kids clothes and toys and random household items, but alas, it is winter and I'll be itching to be "yard saling" in a few months. I have lots of hand-me downs for the kids, I try to make my own cleaning supplies (OK, sometimes), and we try not to buy stuff we don't need (again, most of the time, I'm not perfect)
There are lots of websites you can google with money saving tips: how to be frugal mom, how to reuse plastic bags 300 times, how to stretch a head of cabbage for 10 meals etc...I'm not linking to them because I don't follow any, but you get my point. You've probably seen them. However, there's something small I've been wrestling with that I thought I'd share.
With the economy being what it is, I'd like to take a few minutes to write about something that I've thought a lot about recently. As most people are, we are looking at our budget and making some trimmings where possible and making less trips to various stores unless we need to. With Christmas being over, I'm finding that much easier!
With big businesses announcing job cuts every day, I have to wonder what it does for the small business, you know, the little places you see all over and wonder, "What in the world do they sell there?" Or the small places you love to shop at because they carry unique and wonderfully cool things. Or the small hardware store versus large one, or small market versus large grocery store, or cool-individual toy store versus Walmart or Target.
I don't know about you, but I'm not much for big businesses. For those that know my family that might sound ironic since my husband is employed by a "big-business" home improvement store. We are grateful for that job as it helps provide for our needs and there have been times we have gotten some great deals that have helped make improvements on our home. But for the most part, we don't shop much there, unless he's getting a super-huge-can't-pass-it-up deal.
Without small businesses, we'd all be run over by the big companies. That's not to say all big businesses are bad, but when I think about the things I buy, say at Target or Giant (our local grocery store), I can find those things other places, at smaller stores. It would take some more running around to find them, perhaps, and I'm not all for that either, but it's not like they carry anything super unique that isn't found anywhere else. However, a lot of small stores have really neat things that you can't find anywhere else.
So what's the catch then? Why not always shop at small businesses? Well, you know the obvious answer, money! Small businesses have to charge a little bit more for all kinds of different reasons. They have bills to pay too, you know! And small businesses employ a lot of people. Take a look around sometime and think what would happen if some of the smaller businesses shut down. It would effect a lot of people.
I also have to say that advertising for some large businesses drives me nuts! The biggest offender is Wal-Mart. I am not trying to step on any walmart lover's toes so please don't get offended by these comments. It's really just my humble and personal opinion. But their advertisements of "Save Money, Live Better, Walmart," just tick me off. First of all, the store is totally overwhelming and I don't like walking a mile to find something I need when most of the time I can't find it anywhere because there is so much STUFF in that store. Second, whoever said that if you save a few pennies or dollars, your life will suddenly be better? Is life about saving money? Is "living better" defined by our back account? I certainly think not! Where is our trust in the One who promises to care for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field? Isn't it He who can make our lives better?
Don't get me wrong. Big businesses support a lot of people, provide a service to others, employ many people. They are not bad necessarily. I do understand the need to save money and that certain stores carry items cheaper than others, but I also understand the need to support the "little people." I love the little shops, the way you can talk to the owners and ask about their products and where they came from. There is a local soap store here where we buy all of our bath soap. She makes all of her own products and whenever we go there, she remembers our kids and has treats for them. She shows us new stuff or gives samples if we want them. I feel comfortable asking about her products. It's the advantage of a small personal business.
I'm also recently into buying homemade things. I love finding cool kids toys at yard sales for cheaper than new but sometimes I want my kids to have original stuff too. Check out for an overwhelmingly cool site where people can sell their homemade stuff. Really addicting, by the way. If you spend too much time reading other people's blogs, get ready for a new passion.
Now, after saying all that, does it mean I'll never shop at Target again? No, of course not. But I will think hard about the things I need to buy and whether or not I'll buy them there or look somewhere else. And a bargain is a bargain so if I found a super deal at a big store, I'd consider it.
But I'll also think twice at whether the 24 cents rollback savings are really that important.
Monday, January 5, 2009
A New Toy
I have a small confession.
I have a new toy that I love.
I know it's so materialistic to say that I love it, but I do.
It was my Christmas gift. Well, sort of. We were saving for AWHILE to get one (because really, it is a lot of money to spend on one toy) and just happened to get it in time for Christmas.
My husband was home when it came and even wrapped it for me. Even though I knew what it was and was planning to open it before Christmas. And it was sweet, even though he used the velvety wrapping paper I was saving. I love the man dearly, but he doesn't pay attention to things like velvety wrapping paper.
So what is this cool new toy?
A blender.
While that sounds boring, this is truly the blender of all blenders. It's a Vita-Mix blender. And let me tell you, it does everthing! It's like a juicer, blender, food-processor and more all in one! I can make my own juice, smoothies, ice cream, soup, grind nuts and make nut butter, grind grain into flour. You name it and it does it.
What I love is that it takes so little prep time and I can control the ingredients in so many foods. I can make my own nut butter and no longer have to buy it. I can grind my own flour and no longer have to buy it. Same for juice, ice cream, and many other fun things.
We made strawberry ice cream with strawberries, raw milk and cream, and a little sweetener. OH YUMMY!
If you don't believe it can do these things, check out their demo.
And while I'm not much for spending large amounts of money on "stuff," I think this one was worth the savings!
Any favorite toys you love?
A Fresh Start
Seriously, where does time go? I took a break from writing because my son got sick and had another seizure and then I got sick and my daughter got sick and then suddenly it was Christmas and even though I had over a week off from my job I still couldn't get back to blogging because I just really needed to break from things that were on my mind a lot. I tend to use run-ons when making long excuses. I do that when I leave long boring messages on my friends' answering machines too.
Anyway, a happy New Year to all! Don't you love the New Year! While I'm not much for resolutions, I love the feeling of a fresh start. If you're like me, you let yourself slip a little during holidays...eating more, drinking more, relaxing more, and suddenly January comes and you need to "get back to it" so to speak. While I try to eat healthy as much as possible, I do enjoy some extra Christmas cookies and candy when possible!
You know, while we tend to look at January as a time to get a fresh start, God gives us the opportunity of a fresh start every day! I love knowing that no matter how many times I mess up, He has grace abundant for me. Thank goodness! He knows I need it for sure!
So while I have no resolutions to share with you (OK, except maybe TRYING to blog more often), let me just say that I hope you find something fresh and new in each day. Sometimes we can get so bogged down by the "stuff" in life that we forget to see what goodness God is trying to show us in each day. He wants to shower us with His love and blessings.
Have you found any today?